BATURAJA SUMSEL – My police from the eastern battalion’s police department distributed social assistance to affected communities covid-19. The social aid was distributed to street vendors (PKL) in the eastern district baturaja. Thursday (7/2021) atten. 8:00 p.m.
“Much as I have Akbp Arif Hidayat Ritonga, S.I.K., M.H., melalui Kapolsek Baturaja Timur Akp Sulis Pujiono, S.H., in its own words, says a street hawker was one of the infected covid-19 citizens. Their revenue’s been dropping since the covid-19 pandemic.
This street vendor is one of the only citizens affected by the covid-19 pandemic. Mine is the one the eastern battalion’s represented to help ease the burden of society.
We especially hope that with social assistance this will ease the burden of society.
This distribution of social aid will continue to be made available to the public. This activity serves as a dedicated form of community service. “We will continue to share the help of affected communities. The goal is to lighten their load, “he said. (al)